Dhq Teaching Hospital Kohat Tender Notice for medical eqipment , libortary chemicals kits , surgical disposibale items medical gases x ray carpainter , electric water supply bedding clothings , bed sheets , dental consumable items , stationary , printing items , hospital medicine , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) Sealed bids invited to the DHQ Teaching Hospital Kohat from highly reputed National Manufacturer (s) Importer(s), authorized dealers and General Order suppliers for the procurement of the following heads for FY 2024-25 as per Rule 6 {2) (a} bidding procedures on FOR basis of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (KPPRA) Procurement Rules 2014, I Bid Security I s.# Item Description I Bid Security Item Description X-Ray Films, Developer Rs- 200,000!- Fixtures Carpenter, Electric, Water 3. 5. 7, Laboratory Chemicals/kit and reagents Surgical I' Medical Disposables & Other Consumable Items Medical Gases & accessories Anesthesia & O.T Items Rs, 300,000/- Rs. 200,000/- Rs, 100,000/- 4. 6. 8- 10. Bedding Clothing Dental Consumable Items Rs. 40.000!- Rs. 20,000!- Miscellaneous Contingency/ Rs. 100,000/- General & Washing Items Stationary and Printing Items Rs. 200,000/- Bidding solicitation documents containing detailed description, evaluation criteria, terms & conditions can be obtained from the office of the Store Keeper (Equipment) from 09:00 am to 02:00 pm during working days by submitting a written request application on Official Letter head / Letter pad on Rs. 1000/- (onethousand non-refundable on accou ofmiscellaneouscharges). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. 9, 10. 11. The bidders are required to submit bid securityofth Oted value in the form of Call Deposit receipt(CDR) in favourof"Medical Superintende HQ Teaching Hospital KDA, Kohat" Quotations must be computer typed and signed (each page). companfs official letter pad, sealed and The tendercomplete in all respectshallfé# tothe office ofthe undersigned on 2706.2024 at 11:30 am and will be opened on the sah@day at 12:30 pm by the Institutional Tender Opening & Selection Committee in the Confé}énce Room of DHQ Teaching Hospital KDA Kohat in the presenceofbidders ortheirau ri drepresentativeswhochoose to attend, Gå up June per 2014, 31 (A) The rate approved will re frameworkcontract{agre nt. The bidder / compa firm must be registered of Income Tax, GST, KPRA and Active Taxpayer, All kind Itypeof applicable taxes will be deducted as per prevail ing Govtrules. No conditio a ternativetender/bid will be acceptable, The bidder shall provide NTN, Sales Tax, Income Tax & KPRA certificates with the tender. Bids received later than the prescribed date, time & venue shall be rejected as per KPPRA Procurement Rules 2014. Bidders are required to offer the most competitive price(s) of their quoted items as no negotiation on quoted price/s shall be allowed under the rules. The competent authority reserves the right to reject all bids under the rule 47 of the KPPRA Procurement Rules, 2014, MEDICAL SPERINTENDENT c eWS paper DH TEACHING HOSPITAL KOHAT un, , , , from Aaj dated 01 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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