Balochistan Human Capital Investment Quetta Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** me 01 Project; REQUEST FOR BIOS (One-Envel•ope Bidding PTOCCSS) Batöd'istan Prccven•tent equipotent Ice Provincial HOSOital O'SYiCt Loan The Go•.emmentaf Balocnista.n (COB) has received financingfrom Baratoa•ard Balochistan Human Capital Investment Project IBHC/m IPl 66380 to improve utibzatior of quality health ard services in Babchistan in refugee concentrated areas and to generate significant sociat economic retucrts in h•rg term thra•ah a rrore educated and ppu"atjon, ard to apgt)' pan cd the pecceed,s towatt payments uroer me oaccract lor Procurement af Meatal i. Praiect Oirectat' BHCIPq'Hj naw invites seed Bias from Procurement af Uedical Hospitatatstric: auettaasd•etaied s. No d Medizi H COFC Ouetta 2. Bddirg wil te ccodwted thrauah National IRFB) as specified i r the World Bank's Ptocuren< t for Sandeman Provincial Openit' pracvetment using a Request for Bids lions Preect Finanong GOCdS , WC'kS, Non•ccnsultjng ar•d Consutjra [Pracugen•sortr artd iS Regeatia,rsß. Interesteø Eligible BHC*P t•4eattm and nspee me tidd dä'Y'S at the atdress e:ven Bidders upr the submissi'•n O uut*' 2016) revised NC•vernter 2017 arvdA'01JGt 2018 CliGibte bidders as defined in tho Prccuromcnt obtan funnerirda•rmation from he Project Oirectty durngcffce i.e. 1000 to inwonjrg ing document in Er@ish may be wrchased by interested r apicatbn to the address ard uacn paywent af a "MrefLfidäb•lC tee Of PKR The rotf'Od Of poyment wit bC east" eocumentS are to cauect&dbyhand. Bid'S to 1130 Hours 25• June 2024. Elcerc•nt Bidding presence of BHCIP pennttCd. ute us wit be rejected. eus wu te putdiCIy iC 'signate:: revesentati.•es anyone chooses at address on 1200 Hous June 2024. S. Bds must be accompanied by a Bid Security in 'a GOB. ct PKR 700,001" as $. Pre, Bid re on Wednesday at 1200 naw in given below address. 7. The as.•ertsement is arso available cn 8,1he tenderissuancedateshall te June202".g. Tt•e to above is: Pr*d Oirec:tc« PMLI Bajothistan Human C"dal hivestr•jerd Prcied {Heel ) QuettB.26-A eemeAjrpctt RCGd •.J€ea 0812-86418 EfiW: c ews paper un, medical euipment sandeman from Jang dated 01 June, 2024
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