Port Qasim Authority Karachi Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PORT QASIM AUTHORITY BIN QASIM, KARACHI-75020 NOTICE INVITING TENDER 1, Oa.sam invit« fron&bull&bull wilh iO C Ot above. up to June-2024. with soecial&bullzalioe&bull &bullOG a C&euro-og anci lsd regi51eted Tax & Sajes Tu. ae,pa'ffrønts an Tau of He&bull.'eoue ano with Regulatory Authorcty AcquisitOn S Disco-sat work. Earnest Morwy in Shape render 'ee Shape of Order or 1 80 Nat-no of POA Water of pay it' POA RS. acoa 2, firms an to on order Pod O& Aut:hceity 12 lender opering e office Port (Josirri Luthority for of day Otf&bullce to IN OO ot pay 9CA'PPRA wo.t'ßito.s. must a contanng two seated procosa'. rho o' 01 Port Oasen Authority under rule oi one for pror:osai the other for in share of Pay Ord&bully gara Guua.ntee in schee.fled gara ar Puki5tm bca:ed it' g.arwhi t'a&bull'.irg rabi", beenciOsed 't be subr&bullnitted in the OffeOof their bids l&øugh at pott Or the date ireirrüted The wa have to in the or c,' bidders woo t&bullnay Wish, to oo earnest toe returned , the at tho sarri.e 6, 01 t.x.mnicalty shall th.etr ard tame oi ot fir.&bullvial wit Ea%t.r. F'i&bulluncia.l 'technka.IW non&bullquald'ea shßl returned Pc&bullt Auth«ity reserves the to acceat ar mioct any or as por PPRA-20N bo entertaned in this be and t.t-* PIDXNO. Ma.noriOJ Sec retary TEL: 92-21&bull42/211 FM: 9241-4'.30108- NELEX'. POqr OASIV PK. veaw.pq. O Newspaper ( 01 Jun, 2024) , from Jang dated 01 June, 2024
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