Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad Auction Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** METROPOLITAN CORPORATION ISLAMABAD #HumCDA Directorate ot Mijnicipal Administration OPEN AUCTION NOTICE tert* Isjarr&bullaem Desei*ion Cpa' MI blamabl.d igar 1.0 utte. Erf:fy Stand 2 blamabMfOr Period" 01 Coat Fee "cm at the * 6-6 01 ubect10 pesfou&bulla.nce dated issu&bullxe ot oate to otewn from Tess rntntrneo bara arc HEFUXDAUE 1 ICOHts 111TH's "MOUHTIWG ro as.s,omgnui. oX accourr G-6U.8PMAlSLAhUUC *bye dt Vte 3. 6. 10. gtd site 10 Tte Nd 'wttl the the bd vat.t'&bull 10 hiähcqtiO*.t Flite t. 12 14. 10 RAI YASIR FARHAD OCRECTOR M etropg&.an Corporation IS larnabad Fite Ɖ.7/1 , c ews paper un, ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** METROPOLITAN CORPORATION ISLAMABAD #HumCDA Directorate ot Mijnicipal Administration OPEN AUCTION NOTICE tert* Isjarr&bullaem Desei*ion Cpa' MI blamabl.d igar 1.0 utte. Erf:fy Stand 2 blamabMfOr Period" 01 Coat Fee "cm at the * 6-6 01 ubect10 pesfou&bulla.nce dated issu&bullxe ot oate to otewn from Tess rntntrneo bara arc HEFUXDAUE 1 ICOHts 111TH's "MOUHTIWG ro as.s,omgnui. oX accourr G-6U.8PMAlSLAhUUC *bye dt Vte 3. 6. 10. gtd site 10 Tte Nd 'wttl the the bd vat.t'&bull 10 hiähcqtiO*.t Flite t. 12 14. 10 RAI YASIR FARHAD OCRECTOR M etropg&.an Corporation IS larnabad Fite Ɖ.7/1 , c ews paper un, , from Jang dated 01 June, 2024
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