Pakistan National Shipping Corporation Karachi Tender Notice (2) for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Pakistan National Shippinq Corporation (Statutory Corporation, established under the ordinance, XX of 1979) INVITATION TO BID TENDER FOR PROCUREMENT OF COMPUTERS LAPTOPS SCANNERS AND PRINTERS FOR PNSC TENDER NO: PRCD/CMPTR/LPTP/PRNT/SCNR/PNSC/294 1. Pakistan National Shipping Corporation (PNSC) invite bids on PPRA EPADS System through e-procurement for the Procurement of Computer Systems, Laptops, Scanners and Printers for PNSC, as per clause-36(a)-Single Stage One Envelope Procedure of PPRA Rules, 2004 read with Rule 7A ibid. Firms must be registered with Taxation Authorities, Income Tax (NTN), General Sales Tax (GST) & also on Active Taxpayers List (ATL) of FBR. Procurement Notice (PN) for the subject Project/Procurement which appeared in Print Media, PPRA EPADS system & PNSC website. 2. PNSC has reserved the funds for the Procurement Planned during the Financial Year 2023-24. It is intended that part of the proceeds of the fund will be used to cover eligible payment under the contract for the Procurement of Com uter S stems La to s Scanners and Printers for PNSC. 3. Bidding documents will be downloaded b@Only those firms who are registered with PPRA for e-procurement on EPADS System web link 4. Only firms registered with PP or e-procurement on the EPADS System may submit the ten ocuments, which should be duly filled in, signed, and stampe accompanied by the bid security as specified in the bid i document (refundable) payable in the form of a pay order/b& raft in favor of Pakistan National Shipping Corporation no lateq�ban 11:00 AM on JUNE 11TH 2024. Tender will be opened omthe same day at 11:30 AM in Conference Room, First Floor, PNSC Building Karachi in the presence of bidders who wish to attend:X 5. Intereste trms are advised to register on PPRA EPADS System for the submission of Tender, Web link htt s://e rocure. ov. k/#/su lier/re istration. 6. PNSC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids as per PPR, 2004. ALI IMAM QADRI. GENERAL MANAGER (PROCUREMENT) Procurement Department, First Floor, PNSC Building, M.T Khan Road, Karachi. Pakistan. Ph: 92-21-99203980-99 (Ext. 2040 & 2041) Email: [email protected] O Newspaper ( 26 May, 2024) from Naibaat dated 26 May, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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