Public Health Engineering Division Kurram Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** GOVERNMENT OF KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT NOTICE INVITING TECHNICAL & FINANCIAL PROPOSALS E-BIDDING Public Health Engineering Division at Parachinar intends to invite Technical and Financial proposal from the PHE Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pre-qualified firms on single stage envelope system based for supply, installation, testing and commissioning ot the solar based pumping Machi neries to be installed in the water supply scheme underthe following ADPs: ADP# Name of Scheme 223 2- 3- 4 5- 220415-Consturction/Rehabilation ot Solar Based for DWSS & Sanitation work for Wacha Area (Burkit Kachkina, Krakhela, Boghra) Solarization of Owss Burki T/well East Daya Area Solarization at Amir Mujtaba Zayrat Burki Solarization at DWSS Lalami Lower Solarization of Existing TMell Masjid Colony Lower Sehra Karakhela Solarization of Existin TMell Shah Gul Ghunda Kachkena Schemes details Technical Specification and lhe design paramelers of salar based gljmgimp machinery for the water schemes area given in the bidding documents, Bidders may obtain bidding documents and turther information from the office of Executive Engineer PHE Division day before the closing date, 1, Technical Design should basedontechnical asgects. hydraulic paramete the scheme provided in the technical documents and rates qlJ0ted aczordingl'i inthtfinanaal bid 2- Tender can be downloaded after pubdication Of ad Ill paper Public Health Engineering website: (} ant)' Wythe pre-qualified firms;contracclks 3- Thecontractors quoting their bidsup 1010% belowEngineet ti yshallsubmitbid set'jrity2%onlyof�ngineerEstimate, The contractor quoting their rate more than below & upto 21. of Engineer Estimate Shall submit alongw'itt1 their bids 8% additional security 01 Engineer Estimated cast in addition security. It lhe bid is not accompanied with required ammot of additional security, then bid will be considered non-tespo nd lid security shall forfeited in favour of Government arid 2nd lowest bidder and so on will bccansidered accordinqty 4, The contractor qwting bid more than be I submit and additional security on Engineer Estimated cost equal to the diffialamount EngineerEstimateand wbmitt�d (DiffiaJamount: i.e.,ifancantractarqwote 25% blmvthenhewill submit 25% additional security of Engineer Estimate it/ad9iti0i1 to bid security} alongwith detail rate anatysis. 5- Incase of more than accompanied by detail rate anatysis additional security the bid shall considered non responsive and 011Qrsecurities with such non responsive bid shall be forfeited in l�vour of Government and 2ndlowestbidderandsoonwillbec eredaccoldingb'.incasedetail rateanal�issubmittedwithbi$isinviewofproturingentity notcqnvincing then Head of p nri�tntiW may declare such bid non-resgansivgwithoutanytorfeiturgotbid seurities and record reason thereof. 6- 80th (Technical 4 Finahy ial) i.e., financial bid and technical bid separately sealed in envelopes should submitted throwgh registered Mailtcmriws/oqceto the office altha Executive Engineer PHE Division Kurram (JPto 12:00 pm on or before Technical Bid will be waned at 12:00 pm the same day by the bid's evaluatioNprocurement committee in the oltice of lhe undersigned in the gresencgof bidders ortheir representatras opted to attend, Oate offinancial bidswill be intimated accordingly. 7- Bidders may obtain bidding documents at a 5000/- as ger Gut; RLles payablc demand draft or (Nan, refundable) in lhe nameof Executive Engineer PHE Division Kurram. B- Firms.tontractorsmustberegisteredwithkPRA(ActiweTaxPayer)- g- ThetenderformsandBOOsmustbesjgneci bytheoriginalqualifiedcontractor,'Firms 10- AllothEIGovernment0fkhyterPakhtunkhwabidding.'tenderingrulesw�lt�eaPPlicable. INF 1073'&24 c Executive Engineer Public Health Engineering Division Disrict Kurram Office Opposite Governor Model School Parachinar Ph: 0926-313253, Email: [email protected] ewspaper from Aaj dated 26 May, 2024
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