Dir Irrigation Division Lower Dir Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER DIR IRRIGATION DIVISION DIR LOWER Phone/Fax: 0945-9250068/ NOTICE INVITING E-BIDOING (Single stage Single Envelope) 'The Irrigation Department Govt. Of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa intends to undertake Electronic Bids of "Sin�e Stage Single Envelope" System with Post Qualification method, Rule No,17 of KPPRA Rules 2014, foc which bids are invited from thc eligible Government Contractors / Finns enlisted with Irrigation Department and who have renewed lhcir enlistment and valid PEC license in Relevant Category for the year 2024 for following Work:- NAME. OV WORK Irrigation Khyber Construction/lnstal/ation Of Solar irrigation Tube Well 8 Pump House at Sarai Payeen District Dir Lower Civil Works V./C05 Biddinz T Rs. Mooey+ documents in SIDuty submission Opening d8te Completio & time Of Million 124000 date & time. 12-06-2024 12-06-2024 at 12.00 AM AS per Bid solicitation documents including inslructiorts to bidders can be dOwnload from Irrigation http:/ as well as KPFRA website otherwise bids submitted without these d.ccuments (duly filled) will considered non�resrxjnsive. 2- bidder shall submit their bids through leading courier service on ot' before the deadline along with requirement as NIJ with the condition that in case of failure of delivery Of the said envelope containing the bid shall rest on the bidder/compuny who has used thc relevant courier service. NO, liability and responsibility Shall rest on the department for any delayed delivery and any other pretext leading towards late,iubl�ission shall accepted. Electronic Bidding shall done on "abovejbelow system� on BOQ/Engineer Estimate, based on the MRSNI applicable, Only two digits aner the decimal point shall be co�sicEred for evaluation purg:ose. 4- TtwKPPRA Dated 1-25/2022.23/6301-13 Dated 22-08-202m will be The Notification can be download from the KPPRA website as well thc Notification NO. & Date patt ofSIandered Bidding Docunents, S. Employer has the authority to reject uny all the bids assigning cogent reasons. 6. Bid security J . and lowest bidders be retained Department one week aner issuance of letter Of successful bidder, Thc Exemption information in the BOO Shall be provided complete in all respeci sup�peitted euiaeoce of otherwise the bid shall be dec Dated 10-02-2021. g. bidder s�'Firms must regi 9� the prevailing K PPRA A time to time will applicable. per KPPRA Notification (toyvouvasncno-2tmgs-98 yber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue A uthotity. InstructiOdVNotifications and Other Government Notification issued from tractors(Firms bid is below 20% are to attach� 8% Additional Original 10� As per KPPRA Notifications, CDRs. The CDRS replaced by the Bank Guarantee after Tendet Approval. 11� Bid Security of the, 200 & 3d lowest Electronic Bidders for the specific work will be retained b} tie Department, tot one week after i@suance of letter of acceptance to the successful bidder. 12� Incase two or more bidders Offered the same rates, successful bidder will Wiecidedthrough DRAW. J3� Mandatory conditions as per solicitations bidding documents (SDBS) will be adhered, 14. The lastdatc for bid submission is 12-06.2024 at Noon which 1246-2024 at 11.30 PM office of the undersigned in front ofContractors and their representatives who wish to attend. 5� In case ofholiday or other un�avoidablc circumstances, the next date for opening shall on 13-06-2024 at 12.00 Noon with same Terms con from Aaj dated 26 May, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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