Communication & Works Department Bannu Tender Notice for ****** * GOVERNMENT OF KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA COMMUNICATION & WORKS DEPARTMENT NOTICE INVITING E-BIDDING (Single stage two envelope E-Bidding System) C & W Oepanment (Highway Division, gannu). Governmentof KhyberPakhtunkhwaimviteselectrmte Bidsfrocn lheeligibletrm�idders in accardancewilh KPPRA procurementnns 2014 on single procedure forthcfollowir.gwuks: Required Tender From Name of Work Comstn: of Road & Bridges in Khyber Pakhtumkhw7AOPNo.1633J210456 1 12021-22} SH: Constn: to Ayaz Oergha Dislrict Bannu, category Of PEC SecuitY* Eltost+ Stamp Duty Last date of Period 01 Date of opening submission al Complelion 01 Technical Bid Enlry Fee 0.03% Work Order Bits and time At 12:00 PM At 12:30 PM Date of opening 01 Financial Bid Oate 01 opening of Financial bid will be amwounce:d after the approval of Technical bids from the competent RIJ1hority 2 2. 3, 4. 5 6, 9, 10 13 15 16 19 23 Bid documents and instruction to bidders can be downloaded from web site (www cwtgkp.pkJ before the submission data'jme. INSTRUCTIONSJO BIDOER$ (KPPRA Single stage two envelop bidding procedure) Tat;hnical b�dfpragosal should accompanythe following: a. d. g. h. Certilicatethatthat8id Secuity inttte Shape0fCall deposit Wriginal) has been in financjal bid. EnlistmentOrder of C&WDepartment (photocopy). Rene�wal registration 2023-24 National Identity Card ICNIC Photocopy) Copyadthevaid Pakistan Engineering Council registration. Farm HoflheCompanyiFirm, Documents snowing general capabilities. limancial soundness. general and relevant aperience rec Income TU.'NTN Certificates. Any athardacwnenttosugportlhetechnitalbid. Tecmical evaluatibltwill be tarried marks threstlbld in passjng all thEIieldS including PEC Registration. per nel capabilities. equipment capabilities and CAW Degtt. Tax Payer proal Relevantexpajence in past 0-5yeus, Performance, Technical financialsiatus,Auditorsreport, Manag InconWete/Conditional/EJemnicbidsandbidsreceivadafterclosingtimeshallnatbeentertainad, sshaljbesgnedbyauthariwdpersans, incash{non-returwablej Shouldbeenclosedarongwittl biddingdocurnents. The contractors quoting theirbids upto a imit of below Engineer Estimate shall submit bid securnytpthe of of EngineerEstjmate The cmtractar quoting their bids mare than 10% below ugto below on Enqineai Eslirifate slyll submit aingwilh tl'tair bids Additional SecuriW of Engineer Estimated Costin addition to 2% bid security. If ttte bid is accompanied With ttte required amount ot forfeited infavourofGovt andthe 2nd lowest tidder and so an will be considered accordingly. Similarly, a contractor quoting bid more than below shall submit with his hid ecumy then it will be consjdered as non responsive and the bid secumy Shall be securib' Estimated Cast equal 10 lhe diffial amount submitted bid and Engineer Estimate arangwith detajlrate analysis, Incaseotmorethan bjdSif,�e bid isnat accompanjedbythe detailed rateanarysjs aworrequiredamauntotadlfitional then tfr said Yd shall be considecdasnan responsive All thes sutmitted alangwith such nan responsive bid shall be torteied in fawaur of govt and the 2nd lowest hidderandsoanwillbaconsidwedaccordinqly, In case dewed rate anatgsjs submitted with It'* bids iSe in 'jew a' th anyfarfeitureof bid and record reasonsthereof. The vacurinq entity offer the contract to low apportuMy afresh. uri@Entity, the Head Ofttje Procuring Ento may declare such tid as ncn-tesgonst'e without ua diltence in lhe context a: fiancial difference between such bids are may afiertise gracwamant Aftercommencemeataf work bythe bidder�he ement entity' may replacethe additional securib'wth a bank guarantee ofthe sameamount fromthe schedule banks, if thealreadvdepositedsecurib'isnotinthalormotbank@araotee, 11. The additib�l security Shall released to contragt�tis04} i.e. 1 st of 25%to be released upon completion of Installment of 25% to the be released upon completion of 100% completion ot the project, 12. AnytidderwhoprovidesincctrectiM0 Time allowed ofth 14, Yd Installment of 25% to be released upan completion 75% of the & the 4th Installment of to be released after documents Should be disqualified. specified inthe NITwhichwillstarttromthe order. Successful Biddersh0LddSign reementwithtttedegartmentwfinstipvlatedtimeafteraccegtanceotbid. Call DegasitofSchedl,�e Ibeaccegable. 17. Ifthe evaluated bid costs altwo bidders are same bid will he draw, 1B. Atopy Ofthetect',fiiC3J proposals in the reqvired format iS rt�n�atotyartd to be as a part Of E-Bidfig before submitting financial Bids, Scanr.ed copyofbid securib'i/e TenderEi1try Fee shall be submitted electrmic�g alongwith technical bid on E-Bidding System, 20. Bid sectjrity orthe 2nd and 3rd lawestelectrmic specific workwil the Department till the appcoval olbids, 21. Thebid�ermustbeenlistedwiththe KhyterPakhtunkhwaqevenueAutt',orityaspetKPPRARutes. 22. No. dated: 05100201B. The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Fireance Act of 201B 2 Schedule ur.derS.Wm14, in case af projects funded lb'lder the Governments AOP Budget, Tax shall be charged at the rate of Two 24. Venueofbidsopeningis Note' hisbid2% bidsecuOand25%AdditianalSecuriti0fEngineer Estimate. {2} Itis mantatarytoaJl contractors. wttoare garticjgatjng illttle bidding Should sign every page of ttteir broacher with page numbering and mentioning here total No. a' Pages i.e. 1 01 200 before submitting in the office otthe undersigned, unsfied broacherwill not be considered inthe bidding process Executive Engineer Highway Division Bannu o Newspaper ( zo May, zuz4) from Aaj dated 26 May, 2024
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