Civil Courts Peshawar Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE SENIOR clVIL JUDGE (ADMN) PESHAWAR TENDR NOTICE Tenders are invited from well-reputed, registered firms for supply of following Items for official use in the office of Senior Civil Judge, Peshawar. 2. 3. 4. ITEMS DESCRIPTION Plant & Machinery. I.T. Equipments. Hardware. Furniture & Fixture. PECIFICATION Detailed par! ulars of required items are available "in' Bid/Solicitation Document which �an be obtained from the Office Of Senior�Civil Judge (Admn), Peshawar office hours before closing date. (1) Last date for submission of Te .dgrlS 11 06/2024. (2) Tenders should reach this ffce till 11/06/2024 at 10:00 AM which will be o AM presence Of the Representative Of opened on the same day a firms. an be availed from this office during working hours (3) Solicitation docume till closing date, on mission of Rs.l,ooo/-, by the prospective bidder in person or through an �uthorized representative in writing. In case the request is made throughfourier, it shall accompany a bank draft in favor of the undersigned including the cost of return delivery. (4) The Pro n Entity may reject any or all bids/proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid/proposal. The procuring entity shall upon request communicate to any contractor or consultant, who submitted a bidlproposal, the ground(s) for rejection of bids/proposals. INF(P) 1069 12024 IMRAN ULLAH (Senior Civil Judge (Admn) Peshawar Ottuption O Newspaper ( 2� fvlay, 2024) ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE SENIOR clVIL JUDGE (ADMN) PESHAWAR TENDR NOTICE Tenders are invited from well-reputed, registered firms for supply of following Items for official use in the office of Senior Civil Judge, Peshawar. 2. 3. 4. ITEMS DESCRIPTION Plant & Machinery. I.T. Equipments. Hardware. Furniture & Fixture. PECIFICATION Detailed par! ulars of required items are available "in' Bid/Solicitation Document which �an be obtained from the Office Of Senior�Civil Judge (Admn), Peshawar office hours before closing date. (1) Last date for submission of Te .dgrlS 11 06/2024. (2) Tenders should reach this ffce till 11/06/2024 at 10:00 AM which will be o AM presence Of the Representative Of opened on the same day a firms. an be availed from this office during working hours (3) Solicitation docume till closing date, on mission of Rs.l,ooo/-, by the prospective bidder in person or through an �uthorized representative in writing. In case the request is made throughfourier, it shall accompany a bank draft in favor of the undersigned including the cost of return delivery. (4) The Pro n Entity may reject any or all bids/proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid/proposal. The procuring entity shall upon request communicate to any contractor or consultant, who submitted a bidlproposal, the ground(s) for rejection of bids/proposals. INF(P) 1069 12024 IMRAN ULLAH (Senior Civil Judge (Admn) Peshawar Ottuption O Newspaper ( 2� fvlay, 2024) from Aaj dated 26 May, 2024
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